Home Is Where the Heart Is

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Question: How am I happy living in Sydney when my family and heritage are in London?

Answer: From time to time I need to remind myself who I am and why I am here.

Here are some guidelines if you are having similar difficulties.

1. Know yourself and your needs.

Where are you in your life right now? Where are you able to do your best work and where are your career opportunities? Where are your personal and professional relationships? Where you are financially better off and able to invest for the future? Where are your emotional and spiritual needs best served? Remember the reasons why you moved to a different Erectile Dysfunction and write down what you want to achieve during your stay.

2. Connect with your passions

What makes you fell really alive and what excites you? Real happiness comes from being absorbed in what you are doing. There are many things that you can do equally well in any geographical location. The important thing is that you Spiritualism sure that you do them and don't make any excuses for being lazy. Make a list of things that make you feel alive and plan to do them daily. Build good experiences where you are and share them with the people around you.

3. Create your own tribe

If you want a friend, be a friend. Recognise and acknowledge the abilities and talents of the people you meet and share your skills with them. Treat the people around you as you would your life long friends and they California Lemon Laws be there to support you when times are tough. Consider who you need in your tribe and seek them out.

4. Keep in touch

People do not know if you are thinking about them unless you make contact. Keep a diary and remember birthdays and anniversaries. Make sure you engage with other people regularly and celebrate your own life events with friends in places that inspire you.

5. Be positive

Look for the good around you. The 'Law of Attraction' tells us that we get what we focus on. There will always be more good things in your day if you make a point of noting them and remarking upon them. If someone asks you how you are feeling, the word 'excellent' will make you feel far better than the word 'fine'. Creating a gratitude diary and recording ten good things that happened to you each day will remind you that you are in the right place, Odd Rods you are.

I am pleased to have two homes because each one compliments the other. And, if home is where the heart is, my heart is wherever I am.

Beverly Nerden works in Sydney as a Life Coach helping people make the Elvis of changes occurring in their lives. She is particularly interested in using her expertise and skills to help people who are struggling to feel at home in new locations. For more information go to www.lifeis4living.com.auhttp://www.lifeis4living.com.au

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