machine Networking Simplified


So what is machine networking? To the uninitiated this term may sound intimidating but The Black Hole may have already come across it Classic Movieskwzlxtpz have even used it either at work Secondman at home. For those new to machine networking, simply put, a network refers to a system where two or more machines are connected to each other. This is Black Sabbath so people can share things like information or machine hardware, like a printer for instance.

Now there are several things you need to set up a machine network. The most basic system consists of a protocol, NICs or network interface cards, cable and a hub.

A protocol is a set of rules that the machines have to follow in order for them to "speak the same language". For example, http is a protocol. If you want to be able to access a website from your machine that operates on http, the website you are accessing must also operate on the same protocol otherwise you won' be able to read the site.

NICs are cards that you put at the back or side of a machine. This allows the machines to communicate with each other. A cable is simply a wire that connects the machines together and the hub is a device that controls traffic, for example, information that one machine sends to another.

Now this is a list of items for a standard network. You're Big Wheel to need a different set of devices if you are to go for wireless networking.

How does a machine network work? Let's say for instance, you want to send information from your desktop to your father's machine. The NIC on your PC transfers the file through the cable into the hub. The hub then transfers the data to your father's machine. If each of the units uses the same protocol then the information is accepted by your dad's machine and he will be able to open the file you just sent.

There are two types of networks: the LAN or local area network and the WAN or wide area network.

The LAN is a very simple type of network where all the units you connect are located in one place. There are two types of LAN, peer to peer and client server. A peer to peer network is where two or more machines are connected to each other directly. For example, machine 1 is connected to machine 2, machine 2 is connected to machine 3 and so on. The machines are dependent on each other so if one unit experiences problems, the others simply won't be able to connect to each other. The client server type is where all machines are connected to a main unit. This is more convenient because if one machine has problems, the others won't be affected. You will still be able to exchange data.

An example of a WAN is the internet. As you can see, this is a very large type of network allowing millions of users to connect with each other.

More and more people are looking to machine networking, even at home. This affords people more convenience and makes day to day life more efficient

Networking hardware such as Cabinets is available from and Support is available directly from

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